Ginger: The Tummy’s Favorite Herb

Ginger: The Tummy’s Favorite Herb

Ginger. That name is probably familiar to you from the culinary uses of ginger but did you know ginger has SO MANY health benefits as well? Ginger is a power house herb for digestive and stomach issues. From morning sickness to the flu, gas and bloating or indigestion, ginger can help them all. This herb however has many other uses outside of tummy issues! Did you know that ginger helps promote circulation and will help warm your body up if you are cold.  Alongside just improving circulation ginger does have blood thinning qualities so those taking anticoagulants should speak with their healthcare provider before adding to your routine. 

Ginger is also a powerful antiviral and antibacterial so this is your perfect herb to grab when feeling a cold or flu coming in! Another benefit of ginger is that it helps reduce pain and inflammation, especially those associated with arthritis. Here are a few more lesser known benefits that ginger can provide for you:

  • lowers cholesterol levels
  • helps reduce menstrual pain
  • enhances immune function

You can your daily dose of ginger from our Ginger Tincture or Tummy Ache Glycerite in our shop! 



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