Herbal Magic Day

Herbal Magic Day

Helloo my moonbeams,

that’s what I’m going to call you all but only those who read the blog posts. A special nickname just for you. maybe I’ll post sales in here only, how fun would that be. A hidden code word inside each issue! Something to think about for sure…ANYWAY.  

I feel like I’ve been wanting to do a blog forever now, just somewhere I can post more detailed thoughts than I can on other platforms. 

So I’m sure many of you have already seen how I’ve been struggling to get any creative energy out recently but today I took a different approach. My green witch side was screaming to be put to good use so I listened. I leaned into realizing that I am allowed to be creative outside of candles. Even if the apothecary side of my business isn’t the most popular or profitable, SO WHAT! I love it. I spent time today with a bunch of herbal glycerine tinctures that I had made at the end of last year. I turned our wellness, anxiety and headache tea into tincture form to see if perhaps people preferred consuming it in that form. I do know that herbal tea isn’t everyone’s “cup of tea” ha get it, so I shall be testing out interest in those this year. As well as creating a new skin healing salve that i made with only ingredients that I grew this year or that i foraged. I’m really looking forward to seeing the different with this herb switch out. I plan to write another blog post talking about that once I get a better idea of how i want to market my apothecary goods. I also made a batch of ginger glycerin and chamomile glycerin that i hope to combine to make a Tummy Ache tincture for those who cannot handle the full strength of the ginger tincture ( made with vodka.) This will be a great one for parents to use for their kiddos as well. In a world that feels wildly out of control it felt really good to create something within my control. To focus on things that will bring healing. My goal is to bring lots more herbal goodness to you this year so keep your eyes peeled for the next blog post where I’ll talk about the benefits of ginger tinctures !


all my love


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Little Moonbeam here!! Can’t wait to read what you have for us next 😘

Emily Generous

I’m a moonbeam now! 🌜

Mark King

Here for the green witch and blog goodness! ✨🌿🍃🤎🌕


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