Tinctures and Glycerites: What’s the difference?
Now the world of herbal tinctures and glycerites may feel a little bit intimidating to the beginner, but trust me they are a lovely addition to your medicine cabinet!
There is really only one big difference between a tincture and a glycerite and that is the base in which the herbs are infused into. For tinctures normally a grain alcohol is used to extract the medicinal properties of the herbs. For glycerites we use a vegetable glycerine to extract the properties of the plants.
Depending on the material used these will sit anywhere from 4-10 weeks infusing and then the plant material gets strained out and you’re left with a quick herbal remedy. These are a great option for people who love the benefits of herbs and herbal tea but may not enjoy sitting down and drinking a cup! Glycerites are also a perfect solution for helping kiddos enjoy herbal remedies. Since glycerine is sweet it gives kids and adults an easy medicinal remedy as well as offering an alcohol free solution to those who need that!
Our first round of glycerites and tinctures will be coming to the shop very soon and I’ll be making an in depth blog post on each offering as well!
*This statement is not intended to cure or diagnose any medical conditions. Always check with your doctors before adding herbs into your routine. These products are not evaluated by the FDA*